Setting up the player:
Creating the player is pretty simple for a game like this, disguising entirely GUI based gameplay with simple camera controls and world-space UI
To begin I used a unity package called Snaps to quickly put together a futuristic looking
room, adding a screen and desk.
With a basic environment done I added a camera and positioned it to emulate a person sitting in at the desk.
For camera control I only needed to worry about horizontal panning, there would be no need for the player to look up yet, to do this I set up two UI panels, one on the left side and one on the right, I then created a script that would detect when the player hovers the mouse over these areas and run a Coroutine to pan the camera in that direction (to a limit of 80 radians).
To stop panning the camera when the mouse leaves the edge of the screen I run StopAllCoroutines() through OnExitCollider(), not very elegant but there should only be one coroutine running in this script